Ordering and Delivery
ORDERING: You must be 21 years old to purchase our wines.
Ordering your special GOP wines is easy and getting them even easier.
To order, simply use either Visa or MasterCard credit cards in the cart and follow the simple instructions. THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR SHIPPING OUR WINES BECAUSE WE DELIVER THEM TO RCCC HQ FOR YOU TO PICK UP. Just leave that blank and skip it in the order process.
Once you order, your credit card charge is verified for you. Area 2 will receive notice of your order and will send you an email about it, including when it will be available at RCCC HQ.
All deliveries are made by Area 2 to the Republican Committee of Chester County Headquarters at 15 S. Church St. in West Chester, PA., at no cost to you and are held there for your pick up.
See our page "Special Orders: Labels for Candidates/Causes & Special Needs, then Contact Area 2 Treasurer Ben LaGarde; see the "Contact page"
email - [email protected]
call at 484-354-0798.